Shenzhen Beatles Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

LED Solar Street Lamps Cold Weather Performance Maintenance Tips

LED solar street lamp (40w) usually works fine in winter. But in snowy days, it is very likely to be affected. In winter, there is a lot of snow, once the solar panel is covered, the thick snowflakes will block the panel from receiving sunlight, which may cause the LEDs not to light up, because LED solar street lamp does not have a certain amount of heat to be converted into electricity to be used for road lighting. In this article, we will introduce some maintenance tips to make LED solar street lamp work properly in winter.

Preparation for Cold Weather

In winter, LED solar street lamp (40w) needs to cope with lower temperature and shorter sunshine time. Therefore, we need to check the cleanliness and integrity of the solar panel in advance to ensure that it can fully absorb solar energy. Meanwhile, for the battery, special attention should be paid to its cold resistance to ensure that it can still work properly under low temperature environment. In addition, we also need to check the waterproof performance of street lights to avoid water seepage caused by melting snow and ice.

Enhance Routine Inspection and Maintenance

In winter, the inspection and maintenance of China 40w solar street light is especially important. We need to regularly check the brightness of the OEM solar street lamp, working hours, and whether there are any abnormalities. If you find that the brightness of the OEM all in one street light decreases, the working time is shortened, or there is a malfunction, it should be repaired or replaced in time. In addition, for snow-covered road sections, snow should be cleared in time to ensure that streetlights can be illuminated normally.

Optimize Lighting Strategy and Energy Saving Management

In winter, due to the shortening of sunshine time, the solar energy collected by solar panels decreases accordingly. In order to save energy, we need to optimize the lighting strategy, such as lowering the brightness of streetlights and reducing the working time. At the same time, using the intelligent control system, we can automatically adjust the working status of streetlights according to the weather conditions and actual needs to realize energy-saving management.

Strengthening Safety Protection and Emergency Response

In winter, the safety protection of wholesale solar led street light is especially important due to low temperature, icy road surface, and other factors. We need to ensure that the electrical components of street lights are safe and reliable to avoid safety accidents caused by electrical failure. At the same time, we also need to develop an emergency plan to deal with possible emergencies, such as street light failure, traffic accidents, and so on.

LED solar street lamp (40w) is favored by more and more people as an environmentally friendly and energy-saving lighting device. However, when the solar light does not light up, we often feel confused and helpless. I believe that by reading this article, you have already understood the possible reasons why the LED solar street lamp does not light up in winter and the corresponding fixes.